Malaysia GST Group of Companies

Dato’ Goh Cheng Liang

Malaysia GST Group of Companies

Malaysia GST Group was founded in 1985, presently having 17 subsidiaries in Malaysia with customers all over main cities of Asia, Europe, Australia and United States of America. In 1985, GST Group of companies was still a seafood supplier specializing in supplying seafood to hotels and restaurants in several regions in Penang state. After continuous effort in expanding the market, the company’ seafood supply steadily expanded to the central northern region of Malaysia.

Upon reaching a certain level of supply, the company had decided to set up GST’s first marine fish breeding facilities, opening up an offshore cages culture model to ensure a sufficient supply in the 90’s. In 2005, the company had flourished into import and export trades. And for now, GST is actively involved in fish fillet processing, and supplies to domestic markets, such as hotels, restaurants, hypermarkets, cruise lines and fast food chains. And at the same time, GST also supply fillets to international markets including European and American countries, Middle Eastern countries, Australia and Asian countries such as Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong and other regions. GST owned approximately 2000 sea cages and land farms including nursery and grow out farms approximate 1500 acres.

Under the leadership of the chairman Dato’ Goh Cheng Liang, GST started being involved in the integrated business chain from Broodstock cultivation, hatchery farms, nursery farms, sea cages and land grow out farms, fillet processing plant, aquatic feed processing plant to import and export trade. Furthermore, in 2017, GST Group began to cooperate with ASEAN Research Centre in various aquatic products projects. The projects include collaborate with the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy Of Fishery Sciences in the “Anti-wind and deep sea cage culture” project on Pangkor Island, Malaysia. The Aquatic Virus Detection and Vaccine R&D project with the Department of Marine Science, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, and the construction of aquaculture bacteria and disease detection laboratory at the GST Batu Kawan fish farm. GST Group also cooperates with Shanghai Ocean University in marine research projects. The project includes sending internships from Ocean University to Malaysia, researching and developing, and producing photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, etc., as well as various projects such as equipment renovation at the bottom of the pond.

Corporate Core Principles




Committed to the global supply of the best quality aquatic products!

Our Business


  • 5 seedling hatchery – mainly Barramundi/Siakap fish fries

Breeding Techniques

  • Pond Farming and Sea Cage Farming under the supervision of Department of Fisheries & Department of Environment Malaysia

Aquatic Products Processing

  • One of the top aquatic products processing company in Malaysia
  • Highly involves in import and export trade.

Retailing & Trading

  • Owned 3 retailing and trading companies in Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi.